Teaching Assistant
University of Tübingen
- Advanced Probabilistic Machine Learning and Applications, MSc in Machine Learning
[SS 2021, WS 2021/2022] > Lecturer: Dr. Caterina De Bacco
[WS 2019/2020] > Lecturers: Dr. Caterina De Bacco, Prof. Isabel Valera - Statistical Machine Learning, MSc in Machine Learning
[SS 2020] > Lecturer: Prof. Ulrike von Luxburg
Guest Lectures
Central European University
- The stochastic block model, PhD in Network Science
[WT 2024/2025] > Lecture on the stochastic block model presented as part of the course Structure and Dynamics of Complex Networks, taught by Prof. Federico Battiston
University of Padua
- Analisi di dati di reti a più livelli, BSc in Statistics
[AA 2021/2022] > Lecture on the analysis of multilayer networks, presented as part of the course Statistical Methods for Big Data, taught by Prof. Antonio Canale - Modelli probabilistici nell'analisi delle reti, BSc in Statistics
[AA 2020/2021] > Lecture on probabilistic models for network data analysis, presented as part of the course Statistical Methods for Big Data thought by Prof. Antonio Canale